Thursday, June 7, 2012

Apparently I Wasn't Serious

Of course things have changed again since I last posted. I was laid off from my job and have been unsuccessful at finding a new one. My unemployment benefits ran out and I am waiting for a hearing to contest the fact that I was denied any extensions. SIGH. In the meantime, I have taken sewing jobs, babysitting jobs, housecleaning jobs, and a few volunteer jobs, sometimes working for trade, sometimes working for a few dollars. Definitely not how I want to continue, but right now there's not much choice.
I've passed the point of anxiety and panic (for the most part) and have resigned myself to applying for anything I'm even half-way qualified for and just being patient, knowing that I'm doing everything I can. In the meantime, if I'm going to have time on my hands, why not learn new things?
I have gotten hooked on Pinterest, which had led to new cooking ventures. I coordinated a lunch for my family to celebrate all of the March birthdays and tried my hand at Vietnamese spring rolls with peanut sauce. Also ginger-garlic soba noodles, pickled carrots, chicken satay, and a chocolate cobbler. I don't think anyone would mind if I made that meal again. Last weekend it was chocolate cake waffles. Another hit. I also have a slew of craft projects that I've either tried, or have lined up to try. I've also taken to painting with acrylics, and making ornaments out of Sculpey clay.
I'm still working on my Etsy shop. I cleared out a bunch of stuff and had a yard sale last weekend. My Etsy shop is empty and on hold temporarily while I sort through the yard sale leftovers and decide what to repost, what to ditch, and what new things to put up.
The boyfriend and I celebrated our one-year anniversary, and we still like each other. I'm waiting for July, when we go to San Francisco and see the Giants game he bought tickets to for my birthday.
And speaking of San Francisco....I miss it so much! Even though I was there just two weeks ago! I got to participate in the annual Bay To Breakers 12k race with my dear friend Cindy. Let me tell you, 12k is a long race. Seven and a half miles. We made it in 3 hours, 51 minutes. While it was wonderful trekking through the city, especially from one end of Golden Gate Park to the other, I was beat by mile 6. I made it, though.
So, this entry was not fashion-related at all. But I will work on that.
Until next time...