A customer came in the shop on Tuesday wanting a new set of slipcovers for her rocking chair pads. My first freelance job! We helped her pick out some upholstery fabric and I got to work. I finished them up yesterday, and I think for having to start from scratch and make my own pattern, they came out pretty good.

My other project has been updating the shop's blog, which can be found here:
I had my first knitting lesson yesterday and apparently, the way I learned to knit and the way I have been knitting is totally ass-backwards, so now I have to forget what I know and start over. :) Crochet is next on the list, and needlepoint if we have time. My first knitting project is going to be a hat!
Today is the first day I have had to start on my Etsy stuff, but I think we are going to pare down my hours in the shop a bit so I should have a little more time to get things started.
It's beautiful here, too. I forget that I'm in southern California. It looks a lot like home around here! Thursday I got to drive all the way around the lake and find a sandy spot to dip my toes in. Friday and Saturday we had clouds and humidity, but today, it finally rained. It's pleasantly cool, though. The altitude hasn't messed with me too much, other than my sinuses going a little bonkers, and sometimes I feel a little tired.
I have gotten to meet a lot of really nice people so far, people who are really dedicated to the crafts that they make. It's kinda neat.
My hot glue gun is calling. Watch for my Etsy shop to be up and running soon!!
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